The kite soared into the air rapidly and yet peacefully, higher and higher!
Dark thunder clouds were gathering, the wind began to howl, whirling sand up into the air and whirling the kite too
Selene returned sadly to her holiday home at the forest lake
crouching under its protective roof.
The wind is the only thing that can be heard. It drives the sand before it, hot desert sand.
Silk butterfly-shaped kites dance like colourful butterflies and sway backwards and forwards in the wind.
Now something very special is being prepared for flight : Six strong young men are wrestling with a gigantic kite.
The little kite, carried by the breeze sank slowly to the earth. Selene ran to meet it, speechless with joy, took the line and spun around and around with her kite. The long tail wound itself like a garland around Selene until she finally sank to the ground on the wet grass dizzy and full of joy.